Time management class -- before and after diagram

Do you feel that you are working longer hours and cramming as much as you can into a day, but not achieving the goals you want?

Cramming more tasks can also lead to poor performance when your focus is totally shot with interruptions, or when numerous tasks are started with few completed.

This training video provides numerous time management skills focused on helping you get more out of your time. During the class you will learn and use seven key time management practices combined into a routine workflow to plan your weeks and move beyond simple to-do lists.

The class also covers steps to reduce, avoid and manage interruptions that hamper productivity. Scheduling tactics are described to maximize the use of your day, along with strategies for handling incoming work requests.

Class key points:

  • Understand the cycle for managing all work
  • Get beyond to-do lists — focus on outcomes, not to-dos
  • Understand 7 key time management principles to achieve more and apply them routinely to design your week
  • Learn 12 scheduling tactics and strategies for avoiding, reducing and managing interruptions and time wasters
  • Manage large, new requests — what to say, “yes,” “no,” and other options
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Understand when to use multi-tasking and the side effects

Time Management -- How to Focus on Goals and Not Drown in To-dos

Online class

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